Bubs 1 and 2 continue to get acquainted with each other. The other day, Bubs 1 sat down next to his younger brother and initiated conversation. Bubs 2 actually participated with a few coos. The topic of conversation didn't get too deep. They weren't discussing the candidates for the GOP in this general election year. Instead, Bubs 1 showed Bubs 2 his tongue and encouraged Bubs 2 to show his.
These guys are three years apart. The difference in years between my brother and me is 7 years - almost 1/3 of a generational gap. I remember some activities like throwing the Nerf football in the front yard. But the most eventful were the boxing matches (with snow mittens as gloves) in the living room. In hindsight, I wonder if my brother suggested this activity because his suggestion always came after he was directed (by our parents) to babysit me. These boxing matches happened a few times when our parents left for the evening. My memory is patchy, but I have fond memories of pulling the winter gloves from the bedroom closet and sliding the coffee table to the side of the room to form the "ring." I also have a memory of jumping around, with those damn footed pajamas, as I tried to stick-n-move while my brother deflected every punch I threw - even my
haymaker. I'm sure I telegraphed it since I was like 4 or 5 years old. I also remember laying on the living room floor crying while my brother attempted to bribe me, "What do you want? I'll make you chocolate pudding just stop crying before mom and dad get home." That gold, matted rug was always full of lint and hair. However, I have no memory of eating any chocolate pudding after these boxing matches. Perhaps the pudding was never prepared? I'll never know. Good times.
If my brother and I were closer in age, then we may have ended up throwing beer parties when our parents left for the evening, instead of boxing. I hope that doesn't happen with Bubs 1 and 2, because underage beer parties aren't treated the way they used to be. Parents are thrown in jail these days.
Maybe their mom and I will buy them some boxing gloves and head gear (and mouthpieces)?
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