The Bubs was introduced to earphones. He first put one up to his ear. Then tried the second. After a few seconds, he went back to the one earphone and stayed with the one while watching Thomas the Steam Engine on his mom's iTouch.
It was an instant lover affair between the Bubs and the technology. He quietly whispered, "Beep, beep," apparently after each time Thomas tooted his horn. I couldn't hear the cartoon, so that's a guess. Although he later shared the second ear phone with me. That was a sign of sweetness that will get him far in life.
Soon he was kick'in back enjoying his cartoon as his mom and I just watched him watching Thomas. His mom and I looked at each other and laughed. We must have been laughing at his ease with the new technology. It seemed so intuitive to the Bubs. Operating a hand held computer, which was playing a video, while also finagling two ear phone pieces was simple for him. It was as if he'd been doing it for years. I think that I had more issues to hurdle when I watched my first program on the same piece of hardware a few years ago. It took me a little longer to grasp, but that may be because I didn't grow up with it. He's already grasping the concept of a touchscreen when I was fussing with rabbit ear antennas as a kid.
How am I going to teach the Bubs about being grateful later on? He's not even going to be able to imagine having to maneuver the rabbit ear antenna in order to get a clear picture. The useless rabbit-ear-antenna explanation will likely be followed by useless phrases like, "When I was your age, I had to blah, blah, blah." I hope that I don't overdue it with that garbage, because he's not going to understand my world. And I won't understand his.
Maybe I'll just hold back some of his future weekly allowance.
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