Stay at home dads don't use alarm clocks. I wake up with no where to go. I don't have to be anywhere at any particular time most mornings. The Bub tells me what to do next. He's really in control of my days. He doesn't care if I get my shower or not. He's a pretty selfish individual. Even when he goes down for his nap, I can't really shower, because he's sleeping in the next room and the shower makes noise. So, some days I just don't shower. On these days I truly feel like Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom. I don't have a favorite flannel yet and I hope that day never comes. However, I did consider naming an old, green sweatshirt as my "house sweatshirt" to wear. It almost happened and I stopped myself and thought, "if you do this, then you're only going to get worse." Next will be choosing which shoes I wear inside and which I only wear in the garage as well as a pair that I can only wear outside.
I do have slipper/shoes which I wear around the house since the cold weather is here. The house floors are wood and very cold. There is nothing worse than walking on cold wood. So I guess these are my "inside shoes" now. I do have a pair of grass-cutting shoes. Perhaps I'll wear those as my "garage shoes" since I won't be cutting the grass during the winter. I do remember anointing my old pair of Converse All Stars (Chuck Taylor's - canvas) as my gardening shoes when I was about 8 years old, but that didn't last too long. I think I wore them once out in the garden (with my mom). I don't think I ever went into the garden after that.
Maybe Mr Rogers was a big influence on me as a kid. I used to love the way he flipped each shoe as he took it off his foot. He'd then show the shoe to the camera proudly. I'm not sure why he did that.
I'm going to go find my inside shoes.
Hilarious and I can soooooooooooo relate!!!!