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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Giant Penguins

The Bubs surprised me yesterday at Mystick Village. While we were tasting samples of various clam and corn chowder soups, we ran into a giant penguin. I thought the Bubs would act indifferent, but I was wrong. He was thrilled to meet him. In fact he wouldn't leave the giant penguin alone. At one point, the penguin tried to escape so he or she could wave to other children, but the Bubs chased him down.

I am sure that I would have been deathly afraid of any live, giant penguin when I was a kid. However, I'm not sure if I can remember any specific instance where I was confronted with a larger-than-life stuffed animal.

I think that some of my uncles were animated enough to scare the hell out of me. So they, perhaps, bury any memories of any giant Aptenodytes Forsteri in my past.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

94th Birthday

The Bub's great grandma turned 94 yesterday. Her husband, great grandpa, passed away about 10 years ago. He didn't make it into his 90's unfortunately. However, he has left a legacy of ism's that are living strong. One of which is the famous "mousy, mousy" tickle that he gave all his grandchildren and great grandchildren. The mousy, mousy is applied on the neck and instantly causes one to kink his or her neck and run away.

The Bub's never met his great grandpop, but the Bubs will know all his tricks.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Super Bowl" Play Review

The Bubs is going to be a piece of work. I say this because I was a witness today. I witnessed a combination of humor and rebel, which I guarantee myself that I will see again. I think it's genetic.  The Bubs has been told time and time again not to play with his food - especially his milk. He enjoys taking his sippy cup or his open-mouthed cup and playing games with the contents inside, which usually is milk.

While I was in the dining room today, I heard the Bubs periodically repeating the word "oops." (I think it's a word). So I walked into the next room and observed the little guy launching his sippy-cup-full-of milk into the air. His launching platform was a giant Lego block. He repeated the word, "oops," with every launch. I was stumped. I thought it was hilarious, but I didn't want him to know that. So, I decided to take a few pictures and I didn't say a word to him. Perhaps my inability to make a call on the play may have led him to become confused as to when it is ok to play with his milk vs when it is not ok to play with this milk. I was confused myself with my own rules of the "game."

However, in the spirit of the recent Super Bowl, I decided to review the play on the sidelines. So I studied the pictures of the play. He was definitely playing with his milk. There's no doubt about it. There is not enough evidence to overturn the call on the field. However, I can't go back and tell the Bubs to stop playing with his milk. Too much time has passed. Plus, he's asleep upstairs now. So instead of penalizing him - I cheers him. I cheer him on for his creativity and his spirit of fun. I'll just be more quick to act next time there is an infraction on the field of play.

 For now, the "call on the field stands."
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